If you would like to become one who is qualified to perform acu puncture then do a search online to find an accredited school to begin your studies. Acupuncture has been around and used by the Chinese for a millenia and hit the US big in the 1970's. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the skin to encourage the flow of Chi. Chi is energy, or life force we all have inside of us. If you are a Star Wars fan then you will recognize Chi as "the force".
If you want to be someone who is qualified to perform acu puncture then you must attend a school in the state where you will practice in. States vary widely in the requirements for licensing that you cannot get you schooling in one state then move to another. You would have to start all over again if you did.
Search the National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance website for information on licensure requirements by state and get some names of schools near you from the list posted on the site.
Once you pick a school to attend, look over their website and send away for information on the course requirements to see what classes you will need to take. School will take anywhere from two to four years to complete and you may have to take classes like anatomy and physiology, biology, and psychology, just to name a few. If you already have your generals done then you are one step ahead of the whole thing and may be able to complete your degree a little sooner.
Make sure the school you are planning to attend is accredited. Accreditation is not a permanent thing, reviews are done every few years so double check the accreditation of the school you want to go to. If you do not know then contact the ACAOM, or the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, to find out. Financial aid is only available to students attending accredited schools.
The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, or NCCAOM,
requires accreditation of the school you attend or you will not be allowed to test for your certificate. There is absolutley no sense in going to school and then finding out the school was not accredited and then realizing all the time you put in was wasted. Make sure of the accreditation beforehand.
You may be interested in adding reflexology or massage therapy or even Chinese herbology to your course load. These disciplines are all intertwined with each other and compliment each other in the holistic treatment of clients. Not that you need something to fall back on but just think about how much better you could treat your clients if you knew just a little more and were skilled in more than just acupuncture. Not only would you be one who is qualified to perform acu puncture you would be qualified to be a massage therapist and Chinese herbologist as well.
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